SEO and Dev - Premium eCommerce marketing services

Seo And Dev

Which SEO Tools And Tests Should Every Developer Know?

In this episode of SEO & DEVs, Martin Splitt, and Crystal Carter, discuss how developers and SEO teams can work together to build great websites that can easily be found and meet their customer’s expectations using tools such as Screaming Frog, Google Search Console, and SEO Pro Extension.

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Why Should You Want a SEO-Dev Liaison?

In this episode of SEO & DEVs, Martin and Ruth explore the importance of collaboration between SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) experts and developers especially the lack of interaction between SEO and development teams, leading to missed opportunities for improving website performance and user experience. This conversation highlights the need for increased collaboration and communication between SEO and development teams to achieve better website performance and user-centric experiences.

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Why should developers learn SEO?

Introduction (0:00) MARTIN SPLITT: Don’t developers want people to use what they build?  MONICA LENT: How do you prove your...

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Why are SEOs and Devs
from different planets?

Introduction (0:00) MARTIN SPLITT: Why do moves such as EAT as ranking factor still come up? JENN MATHEWS:   Why...

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Why is SEO documentation so confusing?

Intro MARTIN SPLITT: Why do SEOs give strange recommendations to us developers sometimes? MICHAEL KING: Why can’t the Google documentation...

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SEO & web developers: Why we need to talk about audits

Do devs listen to SEOs recommendations? (1:13) MARTIN: So, Bartosz, there is a thing that I want to talk to...

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SEO & web developers: friends or foes?

Is SEO just another constraint? (0:59) MARTIN: So you are saying that for you as a web developer, SEO is...

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